电子游戏试玩的化学和物理系提供深入的, 在这两个领域的实践学习经验. Students are not only taught theoretical concepts but also can apply them in practical scenarios through re搜索 projects. 这种全面的方法为学生在科学和其他领域的广泛职业生涯做好准备.


化学系和物理系提供全面的, 以学生为中心的教育,获得化学和物理学士学位. Students gain knowledge and problem-solving skills through rigorous lecture and laboratory course work as well as through challenging independent re搜索 experiences. 我们致力于培养学生从事科学家的职业, 工程师, 老师, 健康专家. We contribute to the scientific literacy of students in other disciplines through our general 教育 courses. 教师 advance knowledge through their own re搜索 and provide service to the University and scientific communities, 对公众也是一样. 


化学系和物理系提供四个化学学位课程, 包括acs认证和电子游戏试玩预科, 还有物理方面的四个方向, 包括化学和工程物理. 


化学和物理课程都强调本科生的动手研究经验. Chemistry and physics majors can earn elective credits toward their degree by participating in a re搜索 project under the mentorship of a faculty member. 学生可以在整个学年中从事一个研究项目, 或参加为期10周的暑期本科生研究经历(SURE)计划.  参与研究经验, 比如SURE计划, 是学生利用经验补助金的一种方式吗 电子游戏试玩优势 程序. 


The Department has active student chapters of the 美国化学学会 and the Society of Physics Students. 这些学生组织提供了一个独特的联系、学习和成长的机会. 他们提供吸引人的活动, 外展和网络活动, and a supportive community to help you prepare for your career and make the most of your university experience.  在我们的Sycamore Root网站上找到更多信息. 

该系雇用许多学生在化学和物理教学实验室担任助理, 讲座的房间, 和仓库, 并在科学帮助中心担任导师.  在这些岗位上工作的学生可以在各自的领域获得宝贵的实践经验, 提高他们的实践技能和对复杂概念的理解. 另外, 这些角色帮助学生培养强大的沟通和领导能力, 哪些对未来的学术和职业成功至关重要.  查找空缺职位的详细描述, 连同申请表格, 在我们的Sycamore Root网站上. 

Free walk-in tutoring for chemistry and physics courses is available Monday – Friday in the 科学帮助中心, 位于科学大楼115室.  导师是经验丰富、知识渊博的学生,他们随时准备并渴望提供帮助!  在Sycamore Root网站上找到每周的辅导时间. 

The Department awards about a dozen scholarships annually to current students majoring in chemistry or physics, 基于学业成绩.  Find information about how to apply - along with detailed information about each scholarship and a list of past recipients - 在我们的Sycamore Root网站上. 

该部门每学期举办一个充满活力的系列研讨会, 由学术界和工业界科学家主讲, 部门的校友, 对研究生院感兴趣的学生也有机会与学术演讲者见面. 这些研讨会为学生提供了接触化学和物理的实际应用的机会. 这是一个很好的方式,让学生扩大他们的知识和网络在他们的研究领域.  在我们的Sycamore Root网站上找到演讲者的当前时间表.


My classes were led by passionate instructors who worked closely with students in the classroom and used lab time to prepare us for work as independent chemists by using advanced techniques and instrumentation to examine real-world applications. 不仅仅是课程作业, the faculty and staff instilled an adaptability that has allowed me to quickly learn and adjust post-graduation as I’ve moved on to work in a highly specialized re搜索 group as part of a graduate 程序.

研究机会和仪器经验, along with the critical thinking and problem-solving skills I developed while at ISU were paramount in setting me apart from other job applicants and colleagues.  我从FAAS中获得的经验, 高效液相色谱法, 而GC让我胜任了前两份工作, 让我获得更多的经验,以胜任更高的职位.  My undergraduate re搜索 allowed me to excel in a more self-directed environment which prepared me for independent projects in the workplace.  Presenting my re搜索 at symposiums allowed me to develop my technical writing skills and made me a confident public speaker.  其他的机会, 比如实验室助教, 给了我向实习生解释复杂话题所需的工具.  我的教授们真心关心我毕业后能否在事业上取得成功.

The most important hands-on experience I had at ISU was the exposure to computational tools and their application in chemistry.  The foundation of computation has helped me significantly and was a step forward towards making progress in graduate school. The re搜索 experience during the SURE 程序 was one of the most helpful experiences I had because it gave me an idea of the re搜索 environment that I am exposed to in graduate school. The tremendous help that I received from [my faculty mentor] during SURE and even during regular semesters put a significant impact on me as of today on the way I approach solving problems in re搜索. 

国际滑联化学系的教职工也出席了会议. 他们办公室的门总是敞开着,欢迎学生. 他们在奉献自己的时间和智慧. I spent countless hours having chemistry discussions with faculty that helped me better understand and retain classroom material. 我还在实验室里得到了我的指导老师的实际帮助, who taught me many of the synthetic organic chemistry techniques that I still use today in my current position at Eli Lilly.  我本科时参加的很多活动和组织, 比如研究, 教学, 美国化学学会, 以及Timmy Global Health, 是由化学系领导和鼓励的.

如果不是因为我在国际州立大学化学系的经历,我今天不会成为一名化学家. 在SURE项目中和我一起工作的那些不可思议的教授, 我的高级研究项目, and advanced chemistry courses fostered my love for the scientific method and technology required to work in the field. 我学会了如何进行实验方法, 操作先进仪器, 并帮助撰写研究论文, 这些都是我毕业后用到的电子游戏试玩技能.

The technical and analytical skills gained by hands-on use of modern chemical instruments helped me understand the theory I learned in the classroom. 作为临床科学家, my previous work in the lab both at ISU and in graduate school helped me develop critical thinking skills sets which are important in drug development.

毕业后,我开始做一名分析化学家, 我最大的收获是在SURE项目中获得的经验. SURE项目教授的最重要的技能是如何适应和解决现实世界的问题. Assisting faculty with their re搜索 and seeing the entire re搜索 process is the best opportunity for undergraduates to experience what it means to work in STEM. 这些经历证实了STEM的职业生涯对我来说是正确的选择.

该计划结构良好,并提供各种资源, 包括动手使用仪器, 研究的机会, 与教授积极互动. 暑期研究项目(SURE)成为我职业发展的转折点. The immense support and guidance from faculty enabled me to grow my scientific knowledge and apply this to re搜索, 最终是什么让我有信心进行一个独立的项目. 这些宝贵的经历使我获得了博士学位.D. 分析化学,最终在制药行业找到工作.

The ISU Chemistry 程序 was critical in helping me achieve my current position as a Clinical Scientist at a pharmaceutical company. 正是在那里,我发现了我对科学的热爱,并学会了作为一名科学家如何批判性地思考. 老师们非常鼓励我,让我接触到健康科学. 我很感激你的指导, 教育, 以及我在大学时代发展起来的友谊.

在ISU期间,我花了两个夏天在SURE项目中进行化学研究.  在实验室里,我从导师那里得到了一对一的帮助, who taught me many of the synthetic organic chemistry techniques that I still use today in my current position at Eli Lilly.  The unique opportunity of having open access to an NMR instrument allowed me to gain analysis and troubleshooting skills that are valuable to me in my current position. 除了我在实验室获得的技能, being in the 程序 also pushed me to become more comfortable presenting chemistry to an audience as well as reading scientific literature.

The summer undergraduate re搜索 experience (SURE) was transformative for me and set me on my path to be a scientist. 我非常喜欢深入研究一个特定的科学概念, and the one-on-one discussions around developing a scientific question and testable hypothesis set a spark of scientific curiosity in me that I still have strong to this day.